NC Citywide and Regional Alliances 

"Neighborhood Councils may join together in regional and citywide alliances as a means to engage in communication, interaction and collaboration."

- From the Plan for a Citywide System of Neighborhood Councils (Article 1: Goals and Objectives of the Neighborhood Council System, as amended by the City Council on February 20, 2009)

NC Citywide Groups, Committees, and the Congress

Congress of Neighborhoods

The Congress of Neighborhoods meets every year, bringing 99 Neighborhood Councils together at City Hall for a day of engagement, empowerment, and education, concluding with an Action Session that mobilizes Neighborhood Councils on citywide issues. The 2024 Congress of Neighborhoods is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, September 28, 2024.

Most of the funding for the Congress comes from Neighborhood Councils.  Your NC can support the Congress by making a contribution every year; the NC Funding Contribution Form is linked here.

The Congress Planning Committee meets on a regular basis to plan the upcoming Congress throughout most of the year.


(Updated 1/`3/23)

DWP Advocacy Committee 

The DWP Committee meets at 8:30 AM on the first Saturday of odd months.

-Jack Humphreville

(Description pending 4/18/13)

DWP MOU Oversight Committee

The DWP Committee meets at 8:30 AM on the first Saturday of even months.

(Description pending 4/18/13)
                                    LGBTQ+ Alliance of Los Angeles Neighborhood Councils
Works to create visibility, safety, and equality for Angelenos identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and Angelenos across the gender and sexuality spectrum that letters and words can't yet describe. By serving as a bridge between stakeholders and the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council system.

Phone:  323-379-3660

(Updated 9/5/21)

Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates (NCBA)

The Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates are selected during, or shortly after, Budget Day in even-numbered years and work to engage the community in the process of establishing budget priorities for the City of Los Angeles. Typically in March they meet with the Mayor and present the results of their research in the Budget Advocates White Paper.  

Currently the NCBA meet twice a month: first Mondays at 7:00 pm, City Hall 20th Floor and third Saturdays at 9:30 am, usually at West Los Angeles Municipal Building. both now virtually via Zoom.

Most of the funding for the Budget Advocates comes from Neighborhood Councils.  Your NC can support the Budget Advocates by making a contribution every year; the NC Funding Contribution Form for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 (only) is linked here.


(Updated 1/13/23)

Neighborhood Council Emergency Preparedness Alliance (NCEPA)

The Neighborhood Council Emergency Preparedness Alliance generally meets on the fourth Saturday of the month from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon, currently via Zoom or in-person.

(Description pending 2/3/18)

NCEPA meeting agendas and some video recordings are linked below (for Zoom videos, PC = Passcode):

Video recordings of previous NCEPA meetings posted on YouTube (2015-2017) are linked below:

Neighborhood Council Sustainability Alliance (NCSA)

The Neighborhood Council Sustainability Alliance advances sustainability and resilience across Los Angeles through advocacy, sharing of best practices and community action.

NCSA holds regular public forums and events and collaborates with Neighborhood Councils, public agencies, and environmental and other community organizations to support effective engagement on LA's Green New Deal, climate action and other timely sustainability issues.

Beginning in 2021, meetings are generally being held on the second Sunday of the month at 6:30 p.m.


(Updated 11/28/20)

PlanCheckNC LA 

PlanCheckNC is a unique grassroots alliance created by NC stakeholders to promote more stakeholder participation in planning and land use issues and make government more responsive to local community needs. It is the purpose of PlanCheckNC to help Neighborhood Councils and their stakeholders to have the knowledge and tools to develop a vision reflective of the values of neighborhood residents and to develop and implement a land use framework that enables all stakeholders to feel that they are a part of the community– supported, safe and valued by the community.

Education Programs and Issue Forums are held on the second Saturday of each month beginning promptly at 10 a.m. All interested stakeholders are invited to participate.



(Updated 522/16)

NC Regional Alliances 

 Harbor Alliance of Neighborhood Councils (HANC)

The Harbor Alliance of Neighborhood Councils (HANC) represents the Councils of the Gateway and the Harbor, meeting monthly and serving as an informational and advocacy alliance.


View the next HANC meeting agendaAugust 5, 2020

View agenda of previous meetings:

 South LA Area Neighborhood Councils (SLAANC)

South Los Angeles is represented by the South LA Alliance of Neighborhood Councils (SLAANC) and includes 14 Councils working together to advocate as one voice on issues that impact the neighborhoods of South LA. 


 Valley Alliance of Neighborhood Councils (VANC)

The Valley Alliance of Neighborhood Councils (VANC) was founded in 2003 by Jill Banks Barad of the Sherman Oaks NC and represents the 34 Neighborhood Councils in the Valley. VANC meets monthly and its mission is to develop solutions to the issues of concern in the San Fernando Valley.  The meetings are generally held on the second Thursday of the month beginning at 6:30 p.m. virtually via Zoom until further notice at the Sherman Oaks Hospital Doctor's Conference Room, 4929 Van Nuys Blvd. in Sherman Oaks.
Join the VANC meeting via Zoom by clicking on this link:

Twitter:  @ValleyNCs

View the next VANC meeting agenda (posted when distributed):  Thursday, February 13, 2025
View agenda and video recording of previous meetings:

         January 9, 2025  Click for Zoom recording
            December 12, 2024  Click for Zoom recording
            November 14, 2024  Click for Zoom recording
            October 10, 2024  Click for Zoom recording
         September 12, 2024  Click for Zoom recording
            August 8, 2024  Click for Zoom recording
         July 11, 2024  Click for Zoom recording
         June 13, 2024  Click for Zoom recording
            May 9, 2024  Click for Zoom recording
            April 11, 2024  Click for Zoom recording
            March 14, 2024  Click for Zoom recording
            February 8, 2024  Click for Zoom recording
         January 11, 2024  Click for Zoom recording
            December 14, 2023  Click for Zoom recording
            July 13, 2023  Click for Zoom recording
                  Planning Dept. Housing Element slides (pending)
            June 8, 2023 Click for Zoom recording
            May 11, 2023  Click for Zoom recording         
            April 13, 2023  Click for Zoom recording
            March 9, 2023  Click for Zoom recording
October 13, 2022  Click for Zoom recording
September 8, 2022  Click for Zoom recording
August 11, 2022  Click for Zoom recording
July 14, 2022  Click for Zoom recording
March 10, 2022  Click for Zoom recording
February 10, 2022  Click for Zoom recording
January 13, 2022  Click for Zoom recording
September 9, 2021  Click for Zoom recording
August 12, 2021  Click for Zoom recording 
July 15, 2021  Click for recording
May 13, 2021  Click for Zoom recording
April 8, 2021  Click for Zoom recording
September 10, 2020  Click for Zoom recording (no password needed)
     Presentations:  Civil and Human Rights Department (Capri Maddox); 2021 NC Elections VBM FAQ
August 13, 2020   Click for Zoom recording; enter password:  $+p1yiy6  (NOTE:  two sequential segments)
July 9, 2020   Click for Zoom recording; enter password:  5n+3u#2R

The next Planning Forum date to be announced.  

The VANC 17th Anniversary Mixer scheduled for Friday, March 13, 2020 was CANCELLED due to COVID-19 health concerns.

Westside Regional Alliance of Councils (WRAC) 

The Westside Regional Alliance of Councils (WRAC) is a cooperative regional council made up of all 13 Neighborhood and Community Councils on the Westside of Los Angeles. 


West Valley Neighborhood Alliance on Homelessness (WVNAH) - dissolved July 27, 2023

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